Helpful links & services in Hawaii
License Bond Links
(1) A-1 Bond Lookup
Agents, check the bond status of your clients A-1 bond here:
Type in your Agency Code and the Bond Number (Password required to access this page).
(2) Ehawaii Gov - Licensing Search
License bond holders who purchase surety bonds may verify licensing and bond status here, just type in your name. Agents can verify bonds and insurance policy dates here too.
(3) What is Surety?
This YouTube explains: What are Surety Bonds? Where did they come from? What do they do?
(4) Contractors, Find a workers-comp/liability insurance agent:
(5) Contractors, Find a supply house bond:
General Links
- A-1 Bonding, Inc. - Privacy Policy
- Ehawaii Gov - Hawaii Government Online
- DCCA of Hawaii - Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs
- Hawaii Legislature - Bill Status & Documents, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Legislative Information, House, Senate, Special Studies, Archives, and More.
- Licensing Link - Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - Professional and Vocational Licensing
- Law Library - Online Law Library SOH
- How Bail Works - How Bail Works
- `Olelo TV Leg Info Watch Legislators at Work
- James Waldron Lindblad - TV interview on bail. - Bail in Hawai`i 2012 Edition
- State office Link Covid-19 Covid-19 and DCCA-PVL SOH Offices
- Judiciary Home Page - Get information on the Hawaii State Judiciary and Court for all Islands.
Why choose us?
Put Our Knowledge & Experience to Work for You
Office Location Minutes Away From DCCA
Our Process Is Quick & Easy
We Offer Great Rates for All Clients